Work Permit

Kuwait Unveils New Work Permit System in 2024: Full Details

Kuwait Unveils New Work Permit System in 2024: Full Details

Changes to Kuwait’s work permit system have been announced by the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM). For enterprises and foreigners living abroad, these shifts present intriguing prospects. To make sure that everyone concerned has a smooth transition, let’s examine the specifics of these modifications.

Changing Jobs as a Foreigner

Expats now have two options for shifting jobs according to the new regulations. After three years of employment with their current employer, people are free to transfer to a new organization without obtaining permission. This enables people to pursue better career opportunities and advance their careers.

For expatriates, there is an alternative if waiting three years isn’t ideal. If they wish to switch jobs before three years, they can do so for 300 Kuwaiti dinars. This fits foreigners with excellent employment offers or those who want rapid work changes.

Crucial Things to Think About When Transferring Abroad

Recall that only employees in the private sector are covered by these new transfer regulations. These adjustments do not apply to foreign workers employed in domestic roles, such as housekeepers or caregivers. They might nevertheless require extra authorization or adhere to distinct procedures while changing jobs.

Streamlined Recruitment for Businesses

Additionally beneficial to companies looking to engage international labor is the new system. Before now, work permit price structures were convoluted, making cost estimates and budgeting challenging. PAM replaced this system with a more straightforward one. Businesses will now be able to hire staff members and plan their spending more easily since they will have a better understanding of rates.

Trial Duration and Possible Modifications

The simplified price structure is a welcome development, but for the time being, it’s only a one-year test. The performance will be monitored by the PAM Board of Directors. In light of their observations, additional modifications may be made to improve it even further for all parties.

Adopting Digitalization to Increase Productivity

The transformation of Kuwait’s work market to a digital one is beneficial to enterprises. Utilizing the user-friendly “Ashal” software, businesses may manage work permits online. This will save time and money by eliminating the need for documentation and travel to government offices.

A Preview of the “Sahel” Application

“Ashal” is just the start of PAM’s digital initiatives. A larger project named “Sahel” is being developed to unify all labor services onto a single platform. For businesses, this software will serve as a one-stop shop for managing all aspects of their workforce, including hiring, payroll, permits, and maintaining personnel records.

Participate in the Worker Safety Discussion

PAM’s next event, “Towards a Safe Work Environment,” demonstrates its commitment to worker safety. This all-day training is being held in observance of World Occupational Safety Day. Encouraging individuals to make workplaces safe and healthy is its aim. There, specialists from seven government departments will impart their expertise on various aspects of occupational health and safety.

A variety of subjects will be covered at the event, such as:

  • Inspection Procedures: Participants will gain knowledge of the stringent inspection procedures used by governmental organizations to make sure that workplaces adhere to all safety regulations.
  • Emerging Safety Processes: To keep organizations and employees informed about best practices, discussions will cover the most recent safety rules and processes.
  • Establishing a Safe Workplace: This session will examine doable strategies for creating a secure and healthy work environment, giving companies concrete recommendations for putting employee welfare first.

Conclusion: A Positive Step Forward

The labor market will benefit from Kuwait’s work permit system modifications. They facilitate hiring for companies and provide expats greater independence. Prioritizing worker safety demonstrates a dedication to enhancing workplace safety and well-being for everybody. Kuwait can now hire competent foreign labor and support the expansion of its enterprises thanks to these improvements.

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Kuwait Unveils New Work Permit System in 2024: Full Details

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