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Agriculture Jobs in Austria for Foreigners 2024 (€1,900–€2,200 Monthly)

Agriculture Jobs in Austria for Foreigners 2024 (€1,900–€2,200 Monthly)

Austria’s agriculture industry is quite large, and foreign workers can find plenty of positions specifically in this sector. It is imperative to bear in mind, meanwhile, that Austria, as a member of the EU, offers work opportunities first to EU citizens.

It is important to pay attention to this. Nonetheless, non-EU nationals can still operate in the agricultural sector; but, to do so, they must get the necessary visas and work permits.

We will provide you with detailed instructions on where to look for agriculturally related jobs in Austria, how to apply for these positions, and who is eligible to do so. Many international applicants fail to secure employment in Austria despite their best efforts. This is because they have no idea where to look for work in Austria.

But if you follow this article through to the end, you won’t have to worry about how to get a job in Austria because we’ve covered every step of the application process here, including who from anywhere in the world is eligible to apply for these positions. Furthermore, we will provide you with the Apply Now links so you may easily apply for a variety of agricultural-related employment.

Job Details

  • Job title: Agricultural jobs
  • Nation: Austria
  • Age minimum: 21 years
  • No prior knowledge is necessary
  • Experience required
  • Visa Sponsorship available

Benefits of Agriculture Jobs in Austria for Foreigners

  • Employment Opportunities: The agriculture industry in Austria is a sizable one that offers a wide range of jobs to people with different skill levels. For non-native speakers, the agricultural industry provides a wide range of job options, including jobs as farm laborers, harvesters, animal caretakers, and agricultural technicians.
  • Work-Life Balance: Seasonal employment patterns in agriculture allow employees to engage in periods of heightened productivity during the planting and harvesting seasons, followed by periods of reduced activity. This is common in Austrian agriculture. This can help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance by letting them relax at low-demand times.
  • Scenery: Austria is well known for its scenic locales and gorgeous pastoral landscapes. A lot of agricultural jobs are located in beautiful areas with mountains, forests, and lakes, so non-native speakers can live and work in a visually appealing environment.
  • Experience with Culture: Working in agriculture enables non-citizens to thoroughly immerse themselves in Austrian traditions and culture. Participating in cultural events and festivals allows them to network with regional growers and learn about customary farming practices.
  • Talent Development: Employment in agriculture offers chances for real-world experience and skill development. In a variety of agricultural fields, including planting, harvesting, animal husbandry, and automated operation, foreign workers can gain practical expertise. These skills could be useful for future career opportunities both in Austria and abroad.
  • Community Integration: Local communities and agriculture are often closely linked in Austria. By promoting integration and interaction with locals, employment in this sector can help foreign nationals form friendships and social networks.

Additional Benefits

  • Encouraging Policies: To protect the rights of workers, particularly those engaged in the agricultural sector, Austria has put in place encouraging laws and policies. International workers in agriculture are ensured fair compensation, safe working conditions, and access to healthcare, protecting their well-being during their stay in the country.
  • Possibilities for Long-Term Residency: For foreigners who wish to live permanently in Austria, a job in agriculture may provide a route to residency. For those who meet certain criteria, such as continuing work and establishing ties to the country, Austria offers a variety of residency and citizenship options.

Who is qualified to apply for Agriculture Jobs in Austria?

Depending on the business, different qualifications may be required to be considered for a job. On the other hand, the following standards are common to almost all organizations, so when you apply for a job, be sure you meet them.

To be eligible for agricultural jobs in Austria, one often needs to have prior work experience in agriculture or a closely related field. Additionally, being fluent in German is probably necessary because it is Austria’s official language. In addition, you need to have a valid work permit if you are not an EU citizen.


In Austria, the average monthly salary for agricultural workers ranges widely, from €1,957 to €2,157. This broad range can be attributed to the fact that the employer and the type of employment both influence the wage range. Additionally, the level of experience you have working in agriculture affects how much money you make.

Available Occupations in Austria’s Agriculture Sector

  1. Farmer Agricultural Engineer
  2. Agricultural Technician
  3. Agricultural Sales Representative
  4. Agricultural Consultant
  5. Agricultural Economist
  6. Agricultural Extension Agent
  7. Agricultural Research Scientist
  8. Livestock Manager
  9. Vineyard Manager/Winemaker

How to Apply

While there are numerous methods to apply for agricultural employment in Austria, using internet job advertising platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, and numerous others is the most straightforward approach. In Austria, there are numerous other methods to apply for jobs in agriculture.

Additionally, you can apply for jobs in agriculture by visiting websites specializing in Austrian agriculture and contacting companies there to submit your resume. This is an extra approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a foreigner get a job in Austria?

All types of employment, including Au-Pair work, require working and residency permission for non-EU nationals; the exception is intended stays of less than six months, during which a visa and a working permit are required.

What kind of farming is practiced in Austria?

The majority of agricultural regions are located in the east, especially in Kärnten, Niederösterreich, Burgenland, and Steiermark. Most farms are modest to medium-sized. Sugar beets, wheat, corn (maize), barley, potatoes, apples, and grapes are among the crops. Cattle and pigs are also raised.

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